Lectures & Seminars

This school will be organized in a relatively short set of long lectures supplemented by more specialized lectures and seminars, presentations by participants, and a poster session. The lectures will introduce the theoretical background focusing on computational and methodological aspects of the research, and the lecturers will also propose hands-on exercises and practical work on laptop, most likely using Python notebooks or similar. Students are invited to practice during the afternoons.

A poster session open to all participants will also be organized.  

Main lecture topics will cover:

  • Thermalization in closed, disordered systems
  • Open, driven-dissipative systems
  • Matrix-Product states methods : DMRG/TEBD/PEPS
  • Quantum Monte Carlo methods in and out-of equilibrium
  • Exact Diagonalization and exact numerical methods
  • Machine learning

Specialized topics will cover: many-body localization, quench dynamics, quantum computation, cold-atoms, photonic systems etc.

List of lecturers:

  • Mari-Carmen Banuls (MPI, Garching)
  • Giuseppe Carleo (EPFL, Lausanne)
  • Anushya Chandran (Boston University)
  • Michel Ferrero (CPHT, Palaiseau)
  • Serge Florens (Institut Néel, Grenoble)
  • Markus Heyl (MPI-PKS, Dresden)
  • Katharina Hyatt (Flatiron Institute, New York)
  • David J. Luitz (MPI-PKS, Dresden)
  • Adam Nahum (University of Oxford - ENS Paris)
  • Cécile Repellin (LPMMC, Grenoble)
  • Guillaume Roux (LPTMS, Orsay)
  • Tommaso Roscilde (ENS, Lyon)
  • Lea Santos (Yeshiva University, New York)
  • Marco Schiro (IPhT, Saclay)
  • Xavier Waintal (CEA, Grenoble)

Most of the lectures are recorded and available on the YouTube channel of the Les Houches Physics School "Numercial Physics (Doctoral School)"

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