The first poster session will start on wednesday, the 14th of April, at 2pm (CET)
List of posters*
(*) Numbers are the same in the poster rooms on gather
1) Giulia De Rosi
Dark-soliton anomaly in the thermodynamic behavior of a one-dimensional Bose gas
2) Andrew Groszek
Universal scaling of a quenched 2D scalar Bose gas
3) Robin Schaefer
The pyrochlore S=1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet at finite and zero temperature
4) Artem Rakcheev
Heating Times in Floquet Systems via Avoided Crossing Spectroscopy
5) Noel Araujo
Subradiance with Saturated Atoms: Population Enhancement of the Long-Lived States
6) Gabriel Matos
Quantifying the efficiency of state preparation via quantum variational eigensolvers
7) Juraj Krsnik
Many-body localization as a percolation phenomenon
8) Philipp Stürmer
Modelling the stationary and dynamic behavior of a self-bound Bose-gas droplet via a Super-gaussian
9) Valentin Anfray
Strong Disorder Renormalisation Group in high dimensional systems
10) Jean-Yves Desaules
Quantum many-body scars in tilted Fermi-Hubbard chains
11) Ana Hudomal
Quantum scars of bosons with correlated hopping
12) Lukas Weber
Quantum Monte Carlo simulations in the trimer basis: thermal critical points and quantum first-order transitions in fully-frustrated trilayer quantum magnets
13) Thomas Flynn
Supersolidity of Prolate Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensates
14) Dominik Hahn
Information dynamics in a model with Hilbert space fragmentation
15) Felipe Sant'Ana
Understanding the relevant excitations for the one-body function in the Lieb-Liniger model
16) Juan Diego Arias Espinoza
Controlled Ising interactions in cold ions for multiqubit gates and simulation of spin systems
17) Pietro BRIGHI
Propagation of Many-body Localization in an Anderson Insulator
18) Edith DJOUKOUO
Many-Body Localization of ultra-cold atoms in the presence of a disordered potential
19) Darvin Wanisch
Delocalization of quantum information in long-range interacting systems
20) Lucija Nora Farkaš
Capturing localized excitations using FRG
21) Lennart Fernandes
Gaussian trajectory description of an isolated spinor gas
22) Philipp Johann Uhrich
Universal dynamics in the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev model
23) Kabyashree Sonowal
Superconducting fluctuations in 2D materials
24) Abhishek Anand
Exactly Solvable Model for Strongly Interacting Electrons in a Magnetic Field
25) Naveen Nishad
Numerical study of entanglement growth after quench in Z3 chiral clock model
Dynamical Mean-Field Theory for Markovian Open Quantum Many-Body Systems
27) Matteo Ciardi
PIMC for trapped bosons in quasiperiodic potentials
28) Alexander Osterkorn
Systematic large flavor fTWA approach to interaction quenches
29) Hermann Schnait
A DMFT view on the magnetic ground state of the double perovskite iridate Ba2YIrO6
30) Jovan Odavic
Simulating semi-infinite generalized Aubry-André-Harper model using continued fractions
31) Pranay Patil
Hilbert Space Fragmentation in Fluctuation Coupled Ising Models
32) Thomas Michel
Chaos in Bose-Hubbard systems: Lyapunov exponents, Ehrenfest time, and scrambling
33) Gaetan Percebois
Characterization of the disorder configuration based on transport properties using neural networks
34) Matteo Magoni
Emergent Bloch oscillations in a kinetically constrained Rydberg spin lattice
35) Angus Dunnett
Dark state spectral signatures in Methylene blue: A tensor network approach
36) Michele Feyles
Transport properties at the metal to insulator transition in interacting quasi periodic fermions
37) Robbe Ceulemans
Finite size effects in a driven-dissipative Josephson array
38) Timothy Harris
Many-body dynamics of ultracold polar molecules in optical lattices
39) Lorenzo Gotta
Two-fluid coexistence in a spinless fermions chain with pair hopping
40) Miha Srdinšek
Numerical evaluation of Rényi entropy based on Path-Integral formulation
41) Toonyawat Angkhanawin
The alternative way to visualize qutrit states in Bloch sphere for an atomic three-level system
42) Anton Khvalyuk
Analytical theory for the distribution of the order parameter in strongly disordered superconductors
44) Kieran Bull
Systematic construction of scarred many-body dynamics in 1D lattice models